Controls: Left click to select a tile. Then click the button to build a tower. Click away from the tiles to clear your selection. Space or right click also clear your selection. Click on a tower to see its range.

You can only place your towers on the green tiles near the numbers Minesweeper-style. The numbers are the number of towers you can have near there. Once you exceed the number, the map expands, but you can't build on the old area anymore. You gain gold by killing enemies. 

The info on the left is the director that spawns the enemies. It tells you what it's going to do next so you can maybe plan ahead. It's a very simple implementation of  a director. A more robust director would gain credits over time and then every few seconds, it would pick a random enemy type from its list of enemies with different costs. If it has enough credits to spawn that enemy, it will spend all of its credits to buy as many of that enemy as it can afford. If it doesn't have enough for the enemy it randomly chose, it will just save its credits and try again next time. This makes the spawning random, but not too random - you can't just spawn a boss in the first 3s of loading the map. Games can also have multiple directors where one can spawn a steady supply of fodder enemies and the other can spawn bigger enemies less frequently to break up the flow of enemy spawns for some points of high intensity.

Game for AI and Games Jam 2022:

Made by me using Bevy. Used for the palette.



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Version minesweeper_td-0.2 Oct 28, 2022
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Version minesweeper_td-0.2 Oct 28, 2022
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Version minesweeper_td-0.2 Oct 28, 2022

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